Day 252-262 - An apology and an announcement

I've been so rubbish lately, I'm sorry I've not updated the blog in a week or so. There is a good reason though...We're having a baby!!!

I've been really tired in the first 12 weeks but have been able to do the blogging (just) but these last couple of weeks I've had a cold and a really bad sinus infection so I've been struggling quite a lot as I can't take anything for the pain other than paracetamol (which has no effect on me!). So it's really zapped my energy and I know as I get bigger and bigger I am going to get tired-er and tired-er.

So I am thinking that I might change the format of the blog slightly and do more summaries over the course of the week rather than daily posts as I just can't keep up! I'm still going to wear 365 pieces of jewellery in 2012 but the way I report it back to you all might need to be tweaked as I have a full time job and quite a long commute so I have very little time in the week to be able to keep up now. And then I will need to take into account lots of lovely hospital appointments. I missed a few days earlier in the year when I hurt my back and when I got flu and my plan was always to do a big round up of pictures for the days I missed, and I was going to do those in December. But I think I'll just have to start doing that a little bit earlier now. I'll still try to do the Shop of the Week feature every week though.

I am finding it a lot harder now we're in the autumn to remember what I have worn and what I haven't. I tried to keep them all separate but I keep mixing everything up. Maybe I can blame baby brain?!! I have found my polishing cloth though so all my silver rings that have tarnished are going to get a good old polish this week and I'll do some summaries of those as I have some really pretty ones that I just don't wear any more that I really love and can't wait to show you all! So these last ten days I've worn...

Top to bottom, L-R...crazy blue necklace (bought from a market), Accessorize crystal pendant, Jade pendant (present from friend), Accessorize multi-stone necklace (worn as bracelet), Next brown stone pendant, Accessorize necklace (matches this bracelet), multi-stone necklace (matches these earrings), Amethyst and crystal bracelet (from Glitzy Secrets), Asos horse pendant, Next blue stone pendant and M&S purple stone necklace.

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