Day 231 - Monochrome Evans ring

I got this from Evans a long time ago - I don't usually wear chunky rings but I was going to a wedding and had a black and white dress so this really worked. Actually, when I spotted this ring in my drawer I counted 21 other rings that I'd not worn yet (eek!) - and I also spotted a lot of sterling silver ones that had tarnished really badly. I need to find my polishing cloth and then I'll be able to wear those later in the year but I decided that as I am quite bad at alternating my rings (apart from my wedding and engagement ring I tend to only rotate 2 or 3 on a regular basis) then for the next three weeks I am going to wear a different costume rung every day! A challenge within a challenge! To be honest I only decided to do it because there were exactly 21! So this is number one, I hope you enjoy seeing the rest! I've also slightly moved my photographing point as we're having a bit of a spring clean at the mo and my usual spot in the hall is a little, how shall we say, umm 'busy!' This ring also makes me chuckle a bit as I think the middle 'flower' looks like a dead fly!! 

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